1) - DONE Sherry Maynor AttachmentsWed, Oct 12, 2022, 12:15 PM to me Hi Ron, Here’s my info: Email: finealready@outlook.com Phone: 405-641-6484 Address: 132 W Silver Meadow Dr Midwest City, OK 73110 I hope the photo will work. Most photos I had, I was too far back so hopefully this one will be easy to shrink. I’ll keep looking just in case. ***** 2) Re: Ron & Board - Membership page - Family Memberships Inbox Phillip L. Sublett Fri, Oct 28, 2022, 10:08 PM to jan, Carol, Karyl, Raleigh, finealready@outlook.com, jimchstn@att.net, sandychastainbrough@yahoo.com, shesop48@gmail.com, me Not to sound like a broken record, but I’m pretty sure there are print-on-demand companies for T-shirts. In the past I have used CafePress.com to create custom T-shirts, coffee mugs, posters, cards, blankets, and just about anything else that an image can be printed on. It might be worth looking into; if we can create a CafePress shop with our logo merchandise, such as T-shirts, then we can just link to that from our site and not have to deal with inventory and shipping, etc.; customers order the items directly from CafePress, and we just collect a royalty payment for the difference between the printing costs and our chosen retail price. — Phillip ***** 3) RE: PCFA Website Updates Inbox jimchstn@att.net Sat, Oct 29, 2022, 9:40 AM to Karyl, me, raleigh, shesop48, finealready, sandychastainbrough, Phillip.L.Sublett, jan, Carol I suppose not specifically addressing items Ron mentioned but in regard to Karyl’s comment below regarding The Chestnut Tree, I wanted to comment. I would certainly agree with Karyl, if TCT is only going to be produced three times a year then that is what we need to publicize. But I believe that we decided last year to move forward with returning TCT to a quarterly. That a fourth issue would not be cost prohibitive. And, I think that was the intent for this year although that will not apparently happen with only the two issues published so far. So, I am assuming that for 2023 the TCT will be a quarterly. Unless, there was a discussion or decision that I am unaware of. And, we need to set definitive dates for production/publishing. It does not matter to me if we call them January/April/July/October or Winter/Spring/Summer/Fall but a date for being in the mail needs to be established…say February 1st for the January/Winter issue, etc.… and we need to adhere to that. If the above is an incorrect assumption, then I would request that this topic be added to the agenda for the next meeting. Jimmy ***** 4) Screen capture Inbox Raleigh Chastine AttachmentsSat, Oct 29, 2022, 1:10 PM to me Ron, Screen capture is below. Do you have any pages you suggest I try? Sent from my Samsung S22+. One attachment • Scanned by Gmail ***** 5) Ron, while we had our share of cousin marriages…the Scott County, Indiana Chastains in particular (Chastains marrying Robbins, Robbins marrying Chastains, their children, then grand, and great-grand marrying each other!!), this info is not correct regarding Rev. John and his second wife. We do not know Mary’s maiden name, she was married prior to Rev. John, to Henry Robinson/Robertson. She was not the daughter of Susanna Chastain! Susanna did have a daughter named Mary (per the probate of her husband James in 1745/46). Mary was born 1739/40 and would be past child bearing age circa 1800 when the last three of Rev. John’s children were born. Which reminds me, I’m going to truncate Donna’s file down to the fourth generation post Pierre. Otherwise, we will have two Pierre’s, two Peter, Jr.’s, etc. Still fooling with a “main” gedcom or tree but it will cover Pierre’s antecedents and certainly down to the third generation. TNG is not importing some items (like burial places and attached documents), so once this is (hopefully) figured out I’ll move this over as the main gedcom and then abbreviate Donna’s (and the one on Rev. James) so we want have duplicate persons/families. Jimmy ***** 6) - DONE Sherry Maynor Sun, Dec 4, 2022, 8:57 PM to Raleigh, Sheila, Karyl, Sandy, Jimmy, Carol, me, Phillip, Jan All, Here’s my information. I tried to change it on the sheet but it always says it’s “read only”. Sherry Maynor Recording Secretary 132 W Silver Meadow Dr Midwest City, OK 73110 Ph: 405-641-6484 (Cell) finealready@outlook.com Hope you all had a Happy Thanksgiving, Sherry Maynor ***** 7) - DONE Karyl Chastain Beal PCFA Social Media 703 Clay Court Spring Hill, TN 37174 Ph: 931.674.2314 (main) (cell) 931.626.0997 ***** 8) Ron, In the Questions for Board you asked "Do we want to reinstate Queries in the Member Section?" - I say yes because people would love it. I have minutes from when I was recording secretary. They are attached. By a separate email I'll send various pics from reunions. Looks like you've been diligently working away on this. Thank you! ***** 9) - DONE Can you reorder the others by just changing the listing or is this alphabetical so the numbers are necessary? collections ordering ***** 10) Ron, We think alike because I had thought already about sending you the link to the one I have. Main link: dearflip.com WordPRess Plugin - free version to try . https://dearflip.com/realistic-3d-flipbook-wordpress-plugin/ L, K ***** 11) - DONE Review email forwarders Captured ***** 12) - DONE jimchstn@att.net Thu, Jan 26, 12:12 PM (10 days ago) to me Ron, On the menu items, I take it that if we remove now we could put back later? Cemeteries – this is not feeding from the burial tag in the gedcoms. Appears to be manual input of sorts. So, want to explore a little further but right now we would have little there. I think hide this selection if possible. Notes – the way displayed is sort of random and kind of difficult to follow. Also, they are within the gedcoms attached to a person or specific family and has more relevance there rather than just a random list. Might be confusing so let’s hide this for now as well. Sources – basically like above, they are attached specifically in the tree/gedcoms and here are just sort of at random with multiple instances of say 1800 census for where-ever and for who-ever. I would never look for family or person data here but within the tree. So, I think hide this as well. Places – dang, maybe the same here…are attached to the persons/families. Here sort of at random and is really not telling me much. Had to click on several to get down to an actual person. I think we can use the reports to generate more specific info regarding a list of who was in such and such place, Alabama, etc. So, not seeing the value right now and might be too be confusing. I think hide this too for the time being. Alright, have given you a little chore, gonna eat and mess with the gedcoms. Jimmy ***** 13) Raleigh, that will be a monster index. I think for a primary static search, it would be by last name, first name. Then cross referenced by the issue(s) they are in. So, your first suggestion is my thinking. If someone is just interested in browsing through the individual TCT issues they could use the Find function (control+F) that would allow searches within each issue for names, places, etc. Jimmy ***** 14) - DONE Gene Strebor Mon, Jan 30, 5:33 PM (6 days ago) to memberregister@pierrechastain.com Testing memberregister@pierrechastain.com to see if we both get it. Will now try to register my wife. Ron ***** 15) - DONE replace TCT collection ***** 16) Remove - Karyl from payments Sandy - OK Sherry - OK - editor Raleigh - OK Jimmy - Ron - OK Phillip - Carol - OK Jan & Tim - Sheila - OK Raleigh Chastine , Ron Roberts , "shesop48@gmail.com" , Sandy Chastain Brough , Sherry Maynor , Jan& Tim Brock , Jimmy Chesteen , Karyl Chastain Beal , Carol Migdat , "Phillip L. Sublett" ***** 17) Chastain variations France Original = Chataignier Variations in the North = Chatainier, Chatain, Chatin, Chataignon, Chataignoux, Chataigneau, Chatain.