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We invite you to become a member of the Pierre Chastain Family Association to connect with many other Chastain descendants and to support our efforts to collect, document, and preserve Chastain and related genealogy.
The annual PCFA membership is effective January 1st each year. Membership includes a subscription to the Association's official publication, The Chestnut Tree©. It is published three times a year.
All PCFA memberships include your spouse. If either one of you should happen to pass to the Great Beyond, your spouse will remain a member for the duration of the time paid. The price of an Annual Membership is $25.00 per year. Lifetime Memberships are available for $250.00 and extend to surviving spouses. See Payment Methods below.
By choosing membership, you also choose to support the continued efforts of the PCFA to collect, document, and preserve Chastain and related genealogy. The membership fees contribute to the publishing costs of The Chestnut Tree© and ongoing activities of the association.
Please help us save costs associated with renewal notices by paying your dues
using the secure PayPal or mail your check or money order to the Membership Chair,

see Payment Method #3.
Payment Methods
  1. Pay quickly, safely and securely online with PayPal. After paying by PayPal, please email your Chastain linage to See the PCFA Membership Join & Renewal Form, for the information we need to process your membership.

  2. If you do not have a PayPal account, you can pay securely online by credit/debit card. Simply make your selection via PayPal below. Then click on the gray "Check Out" button on the right side of the Shopping Cart page and fill out the form.

  3. To pay by mail with a check or money order, please download, print and fill out the PCFA Membership Join & Renewal Form and mail it to Membership with your payment (the address is on the form).

  4. If you are also ordering Publications and/or Merchandise at this time, you can make one payment to Membership for both membership and other purchases.
Join or Renew for 1 Year
A $25.00 membership begins 1 January and ends 31 December of each calendar year.
PCFA 1 Year Membership
Lifetime Membership
Tired of paying year after year? Get a $250.00 Lifetime Membership!
PCFA 1 Year Membership
Join or Renew for 1 Year at a time with Auto Renewal
A $25.00 membership begins 1 January and ends 31 December of each calendar year. If you subscribe to PayPal's AUTO RENEWAL feature your membership will be automatically paid one year from your first payment, e.g. if you sign up for auto renewal on 14 December 2023, your subsequent payments will be on 14 December each year thereafter.
You will be notified by PayPal two weeks prior to the automatic payment date so you can be sure your PayPal payment information is up to date. You will also have time to unsubscribe should you decide to do so.
Unsubscribe from the PayPal Auto-Renewal feature
If you have subscribed to the PCFA Auto-Renewal program for 1 Year Memberships and you decide to upgrade to a Lifetime Membership or that you no longer want to be a member of the PCFA, you can unsubscribe by clicking the Unsubscribe button below. Also if one of your loved ones who is subscribed to PCFA Auto-Renewal program for 1 Year Memberships should happen to pass on to the the Great Beyond, you can unsubscribe for them. You will need to know the person's PayPal login and password to do so.
Donate to the PCFA
If you want to help the PCFA defray the costs of publications and reunions, we will appreciate any donation. Thank You!
  Buy now with PayPal QR Code
If you do not want to use the secure PayPal payment method, please download and print the
PCFA Membership Join & Renewal Form and you can pay with a check or money order.
The Auto-Renewal feature is only available via PayPal .
If you have any questions concerning PCFA Membership,
please contact the Membership Chair at:
Thank you!
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Member Section
If you have any questions
or concerns about
PCFA Membership,
please contact Carol Migdat at:
Download and print PCFA Membership Join & Renewal Form PDF
Download, edit and return email PCFA Membership Join & Renewal Form DOCX
Members are invited to the PCFA Annual Reunions
Join the PCFA
and receive
The Chestnut Tree©
The Chestnut Tree
Contains information about the Chastain Family. It is published three times a year.