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Pickens County, South Carolina Deeds
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Book D-1 p. 591

Pickens Co Deed Bk D-1 p. 591

Maxwell Chastain and Edward Chastain to William Edens and Alexander Edens

State of South Carolina

Pickens District

Know all men by these presents that we Maxwell and Edward Chastain of the State and District afforesaid on the one part and William Edens, Alexander Edens and the Heirs of Abner Chastain Dec. of the same place on the other part witnessed that in conisderation of the sum of two hundred dollard paid by Wm. Edens, Alexander Edens and the Heirs of Abner Chastain dec. have granted, bargained, sold and released and by these presents do grant,bargain, sell and release unto the said Wm. Edens, Alexander Edens and the heirs of Abner Chastain dec. the receipt is hereby acknowledged a certain tract of land granted to Henry Adams containing one hundred acres on a branch of Oolenoy waters as the same more or less excepting a small part of James Sutherlands lands that he now lives on beginning on a post oak corner thence south fortysix west twenty five chains to a ch corner, thence north fortyfive west forty chains to a stake corner, thence north fortyfive east twentyfive chains and fifty links to a stake corner thence south fiftyfive east forty chains to the beginning corner. Together with all and singular the rights, members, hereditaments and appurtances to the said premises belonging or in anywise incident or appertaining. To have and to hold all and singular the premises before mentioned unto the said William Edens, Alexander Edens and the heirs of Abner Chastain dec. their heirs and assigns forever. And we do hereby bind ourselves, our heirs, executors and administrators to warrant and forever defend all and singular the premises unto the said Wm. Edens, Alexander Edens and the heirs of Abner Chastain dec. their heirs and assigns against ourselves, and our heirs, and against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming or to calim the same or any part thereof as their rights. In witness hereunto we set our hands and seals this the ninth day of January one thousand eight hundred and forty three and in the sixtyseventh year of the Independence of the United States of America.

Jesse Adams, John M. E. Edens Maxwell Chastain [seal]


Edward x Chastain [seal]


South Carolina

Pickens District

Personally came before me Wm. Sutherland one of the Justices of the Peace for SC district John A. E. Edens and being duly sworn as the law _____ sayeth on oath that he saw Edward Chastain & Maxwell Chastain sign, seal and acknowledge this witness deed of concerned for the purpose within mentioned and Jesse Adams was a subscriber with himself. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 1st day of April 1843

John M. E. Edens

Wm Sutherland, _.P.D.

Recorded the 3rd day of April 1843 and examined by W. L. Keith, C.C. & R. M. C.

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Principal Names
and Dates
Maxwell Chastain
Edward Chastain
William Edens
Alexander Edens
Abner Chastain
James Sutherlands
Jesse Adams
John M. E. Edens
Wm. Sutherland
John A. E. Edens
Dates of Transfer
9 January 1843
1st day of April 1843
Date Recorded
3rd day of April 1843
W. L. Keith, C.C. & R. M. C.