$textpart = "whatsnew";
if($requirelogin && !$_SESSION['currentuser']) {
$langstr = isset($_GET['lang']) ? "&lang=$languages_path" . $_GET['lang'] : "";
@ini_set( "session.bug_compat_warn", "0" );
include($cms['tngpath'] . "version.php");
$getperson_url = getURL( "getperson", 1 );
$showmedia_url = getURL( "showmedia", 1 );
$familygroup_url = getURL( "familygroup", 1 );
$date = date("r");
$timezone = date("O");
function doMedia( $mediatypeID ) {
global $tngdomain, $langstr, $mediatypes_display, $timezone, $session_charset;
global $media_table, $medialinks_table, $change_limit, $cutoffstr, $text, $families_table, $sources_table, $repositories_table, $citations_table, $nonames;
global $people_table, $familygroup_url, $showsource_url, $showrepo_url, $placesearch_url, $showmedia_url, $trees_table, $assignedtree;
global $rootpath, $photopath, $documentpath, $headstonepath, $historypath, $mediapath, $header, $footer, $cemeteries_table;
global $getperson_url, $livedefault, $whatsnew, $wherestr2, $showmap_url, $thumbmaxw, $events_table, $eventtypes_table, $tngconfig;
if( $mediatypeID == "headstones" ) {
$hsfields = ", $media_table.cemeteryID, cemname";
$hsjoin = "LEFT JOIN $cemeteries_table ON $media_table.cemeteryID = $cemeteries_table.cemeteryID";
$hsfields = $hsjoin = "";
$query = "SELECT distinct $media_table.mediaID as mediaID, description, $media_table.notes, thumbpath, path, form, mediatypeID, $media_table.gedcom as gedcom, alwayson, usecollfolder, DATE_FORMAT(changedate,'%a, %d %b %Y %T') as changedatef, status, abspath, newwindow $hsfields
FROM $media_table $hsjoin";
$query .= " WHERE $cutoffstr $wherestr AND mediatypeID = \"$mediatypeID\" ORDER BY changedate DESC, description LIMIT $change_limit";
$mediaresult = tng_query($query);
while( $row = tng_fetch_assoc( $mediaresult ) ) {
$query = "SELECT medialinkID, $medialinks_table.personID as personID, $medialinks_table.eventID, people.personID as personID2, familyID, people.living as living, people.private as private, people.branch as branch,
$families_table.branch as fbranch, $families_table.living as fliving, $families_table.private as fprivate, husband, wife, people.lastname as lastname, people.lnprefix as lnprefix, people.firstname as firstname,
people.suffix as suffix, nameorder, $medialinks_table.gedcom as gedcom, treename, $sources_table.title, $sources_table.sourceID, $repositories_table.repoID,reponame, deathdate, burialdate, linktype
FROM ($medialinks_table, $trees_table)
LEFT JOIN $people_table AS people ON ($medialinks_table.personID = people.personID AND $medialinks_table.gedcom = people.gedcom)
LEFT JOIN $families_table ON ($medialinks_table.personID = $families_table.familyID AND $medialinks_table.gedcom = $families_table.gedcom)
LEFT JOIN $sources_table ON ($medialinks_table.personID = $sources_table.sourceID AND $medialinks_table.gedcom = $sources_table.gedcom)
LEFT JOIN $repositories_table ON ($medialinks_table.personID = $repositories_table.repoID AND $medialinks_table.gedcom = $repositories_table.gedcom)
WHERE mediaID = \"{$row['mediaID']}\" AND $medialinks_table.gedcom = $trees_table.gedcom$wherestr2 ORDER BY lastname, lnprefix, firstname, $medialinks_table.personID";
$presult = tng_query($query);
$foundliving = 0;
$foundprivate = 0;
$hstext = "";
while( $prow = tng_fetch_assoc( $presult ) ) {
if( $prow['fbranch'] != NULL ) $prow['branch'] = $prow['fbranch'];
if( $prow['fliving'] != NULL ) $prow['living'] = $prow['fliving'];
if( $prow['fprivate'] != NULL ) $prow['private'] = $prow['fprivate'];
if( $prow['living'] == NULL && $prow['private'] == NULL && $prow['linktype'] == 'I') {
$query = "SELECT count(personID) as ccount FROM $citations_table, $people_table
WHERE $citations_table.sourceID = '{$prow['personID']}' AND $citations_table.persfamID = $people_table.personID AND $citations_table.gedcom = $people_table.gedcom
AND (living = '1' OR private = '1')";
$presult2 = tng_query($query);
$prow2 = tng_fetch_assoc( $presult2 );
if( $prow2['ccount'] ) $prow['living'] = 1;
tng_free_result( $presult2 );
$prow['allow_living'] = !$prow['living'] || $livedefault == 2;
$prow['allow_private'] = !$prow['private'];
if($prow['living'] && $livedefault != 2)
$foundliving = 1;
$foundprivate = 1;
if( $prow['personID2'] != NULL ) {
$medialink = $getperson_url . "personID={$prow['personID2']}&tree={$prow['gedcom']}";
$mediatext = getName( $prow );
if( $mediatypeID == "headstones" ) {
$deathdate = $prow['deathdate'] ? $prow['deathdate'] : $prow['burialdate'];
if( $prow['deathdate'] ) $abbrev = $text['deathabbr'];
elseif( $prow['burialdate'] ) $abbrev = $text['burialabbr'];
$hstext = $deathdate ? " ($abbrev " . displayDate( $deathdate ) . ")" : "";
elseif( $prow['familyID'] != NULL ) {
$medialink = $familygroup_url . "familyID={$prow['familyID']}&tree={$prow['gedcom']}";
$mediatext = "{$text['family']}: " . getFamilyName( $prow );
elseif( $prow['sourceID'] != NULL ) {
$mediatext = $prow['title'] ? "{$text['source']}: {$prow['title']}" : "{$text['source']}: {$prow['sourceID']}";
$medialink = $showsource_url . "sourceID={$prow['sourceID']}&tree={$prow['gedcom']}";
elseif( $prow['repoID'] != NULL ) {
$mediatext = $prow['reponame'] ? $text['repository'] . ": " . $prow['reponame'] : $text['repository'] . ": " . $prow['repoID'];
$medialink = $showrepo_url . "repoID={$prow['repoID']}&tree={$prow['gedcom']}";
else {
$medialink = $placesearch_url . "psearch={$prow['personID']}&tree={$prow['gedcom']}";
$mediatext = $prow['personID'];
if($prow['eventID']) {
$query = "SELECT description from $events_table, $eventtypes_table WHERE eventID = \"{$prow['eventID']}\" AND $events_table.eventtypeID = $eventtypes_table.eventtypeID";
$eresult = tng_query($query) or die ("{$text['cannotexecutequery']}: $query");
$erow = tng_fetch_assoc($eresult);
$event = $erow['description'] ? $erow['description'] : $prow['eventID'];
$mediatext .= " ($event)";
tng_free_result( $presult );
$href = getMediaHREF($row,0);
$href = str_replace("\" target=\"_blank","",$href); // fix the string in case someone might have used the "open in a new window" option on the media
if( (!$foundliving && !$foundprivate) || !$nonames || $row['alwayson'] ) {
$description = strip_tags($row['description']);
$notes = nl2br( strip_tags(getXrefNotes($row['notes'],$row['gedcom'])) );
if( ($foundliving || $foundprivate) && !$row['alwayson'] ) $notes .= " ({$text['livingphoto']})";
else {
$description = $text['living'];
$notes = "({$text['livingphoto']})";
//$description = strip_tags($description); // clean the text of HTML tags
//$notes = strip_tags($notes);
if( $row['status'] ) $notes = "{$text['status']}: {$row['status']}. $notes";
$item = "\n- \n"; // build the $item string so that you can apply string functions more globally instead of piece meal, as required
$typestr = $text[$mediatypeID] ? $text[$mediatypeID] : $mediatypes_display[$mediatypeID];
$item .= "" . xmlcharacters($typestr) . ": " . xmlcharacters($description) . "\n";
$item .= "" . "" . "\n"; // use CDATA to deal with odd links that include special characters
if( $mediatypeID == "headstones" ) {
$deathdate = $row['deathdate'] ? $row['deathdate'] : $row['burialdate'];
$item .= "" . xmlcharacters($hstext . " " . htmlspecialchars($notes,ENT_NOQUOTES, $session_charset) ) . "\n";
$item .= "{$text['tree']}: " . xmlcharacters($trow['treename']) . "\n";
else {
$item .= "" . xmlcharacters(htmlspecialchars($notes,ENT_NOQUOTES, $session_charset)) . "\n";
//$item .= "\n"; // the RSS validator recognises an empty tag as an error, commented it out
$changedate = date_format(date_create($row['changedatef']), "D, d M Y H:i:s");
$item .= "$changedate $timezone\n";
$item .= "$tngdomain/{$row['mediaID']}-$changedate $timezone\n"; // using a guid improves the granularity of changes one ca monitor (ie: it allows for a changes minitus appart to be captures by the RSS feed)
$item .= "
echo $item;
header("Content-type: application/rss+xml; charset=\"$charset\"");
$item .= "\n";
$item .= "\n";
$item .= "\n";
if( !$cms['support'] )
$tngscript = basename( $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'], ".php" );
$tngscript = $file;
$item .= "$tng_title, v.$tng_version ($tng_date), Written by Darrin Lythgoe, $tng_copyright\n";
$item .= "$date\n";
//you will need to define $site_desc and $sitename in your customconfig.php file
//as of 6.0, these will come from config.php, but anything defined in customconfig.php will take precedence
$item .= "" . xmlcharacters($site_desc) . "\n";
if($personID) {
$item .= "" . trim($sitename . " " . $text['indinfo']) . ": $personID\n";
elseif($familyID) {
$item .= "" . trim($sitename . " " . $text['family']) . ": $familyID\n";
$item .= "$sitename\n";
$item .= "$tngdomain\n";
$item .= "$emailaddr ($dbowner)\n";
$item .= "$emailaddr ($dbowner)\n";
if($rssimage) { // define $rssimage in your customconfig.php file this will allow you to put a logo on your feed once you have subscribed
$item .= "\n";
$item .= "" . $tngdomain . $rssimage . "\n"; // path for the logo
if($personID) {
$item .= "" . trim($sitename . " " . $text['indinfo']) . ": $personID\n"; // images require a title (match it with either the personID)
elseif($familyID) {
$item .= "" . trim($sitename . " " . $text['family']) . ": $familyID\n"; // the familyID
$item .= "$sitename\n"; // or just the site name
$item .= "" . $tngdomain . "\n"; // images also require the site link so that if you click on the image you go to the site
$item .= "\n";
echo $item;
//you will need to define $rsslang in your customconfig.php file before you can use this
//echo "$rsslang\n";
$text['pastxdays'] = preg_replace( "/xx/", "$change_cutoff", $text['pastxdays'] );
if( !$change_cutoff ) $change_cutoff = 0;
if( !$change_limit ) $change_limit = 10;
$cutoffstr = $change_cutoff ? "TO_DAYS(NOW()) - TO_DAYS(changedate) <= $change_cutoff" : "1=1";
if(!$personID && !$familyID) { // only feed the changes when not monitoring an person or a family
foreach( $mediatypes as $mediatype ) {
$mediatypeID = $mediatype['ID'];
echo doMedia( $mediatypeID );
$cutoffstr .= " AND";
if( $tree )
$allwhere = "AND p.gedcom = \"$tree\"";
$allwhere = "";
$more = getLivingPrivateRestrictions("p", false, false);
$allwhere .= " AND " .$more;
if(!$familyID) { // if a family is NOT specified (ie: we are looking for a personID or the What's New
//select from people where date later than cutoff, order by changedate descending, limit = 10
$query = "SELECT p.personID, lastname, lnprefix, firstname, birthdate, prefix, suffix, nameorder, living, private, branch, DATE_FORMAT(changedate,'%e %b %Y') as changedatef, changedby, LPAD(SUBSTRING_INDEX(birthdate, ' ', -1),4,'0') as birthyear, birthplace, altbirthdate, LPAD(SUBSTRING_INDEX(altbirthdate, ' ', -1),4,'0') as altbirthyear, altbirthplace, p.gedcom as gedcom, treename
FROM $people_table as p, $trees_table WHERE $cutoffstr p.gedcom = $trees_table.gedcom $allwhere
ORDER BY changedate DESC, lastname, firstname, birthyear, altbirthyear LIMIT $change_limit";
$result = tng_query($query);
$numrows = tng_num_rows( $result );
if( $numrows ) {
while( $row = tng_fetch_assoc($result))
$rights = determineLivingPrivateRights($row);
$row['allow_living'] = $rights['living'];
$row['allow_private'] = $rights['private'];
$namestr = getNameRev( $row );
$birthplacestr = "";
if( $rights['both'] ) {
if ( $row['birthdate'] ) {
$birthdate = $text['birthabbr'] . " " . displayDate( $row['birthdate'] );
$birthplace = $row['birthplace'];
else if ( $row['altbirthdate'] ) {
$birthdate = $text['chrabbr'] . " " . displayDate( $row['altbirthdate'] );
$birthplace = $row['altbirthplace'];
else {
$birthdate = "";
$birthplace = "";
$birthdate = $birthplace = "";
$query = "SELECT gedcom, treename FROM $trees_table WHERE gedcom = \"{$row['gedcom']}\"";
$treeresult = tng_query($query);
$treerow = tng_fetch_assoc( $treeresult );
$item = "\n- \n";
$item .= "";
$item .= xmlcharacters($text['indinfo'] . ": " . $namestr . " (" . $row['personID'] . ")");
$item .= "\n";
$item .= "" . "$tngdomain/$getperson_url" . "personID=" . $row['personID'] . "&tree=" . $row['gedcom'] . $langstr . "\n";
$item .= "";
if( $birthdate || $birthplace )
$item .= xmlcharacters("$birthdate, $birthplace") . "\n";
$item .= xmlcharacters($text['birthabbr']) . "\n";
$item .= "{$text['tree']}: " . xmlcharacters($treerow['treename']) . "\n";
$changedate = date_format(date_create($row['changedatef']), "D, d M Y H:i:s");
$item .= "$changedate $timezone \n";
//$item .= ">$tngdomain/$row[personID]-".date_format(date_create($row[changedatef]), DATE_ATOM)."\n";
$item .= "
echo $item;
//$allwhere = " AND $people_table.gedcom = $families_table.gedcom";
if($familyID) {
$whereclause = "WHERE $families_table.familyID = \"$familyID\"$privacystr ORDER BY changedate LIMIT $change_limit";
else {
$whereclause = $change_cutoff ? "WHERE TO_DAYS(NOW()) - TO_DAYS($families_table.changedate) <= $change_cutoff$privacystr" : "WHERE 1=1$privacystr";
$whereclause .= " ORDER BY changedate DESC LIMIT $change_limit";
if (!$personID) {
//select husband, wife from families where date later than cutoff, order by changedate descending, limit = 10
$query = "SELECT familyID, husband, wife, marrdate, marrplace, gedcom, branch, living, private, DATE_FORMAT(changedate,'%a, %d %b %Y %T') as changedatef FROM $families_table $whereclause";
//$query = "SELECT familyID, husband, wife, marrdate, marrplace, $families_table.gedcom as gedcom, firstname, lnprefix, lastname, suffix, nameorder, $families_table.branch as fbranch, $people_table.branch as branch, $families_table.living as fliving, $families_table.private as fprivate, $people_table.living as living, $people_table.private as private, DATE_FORMAT($families_table.changedate,'%a, %d %b %Y %T') as changedatef FROM $families_table, $people_table $whereclause";
$famresult = tng_query($query);
$numrows = tng_num_rows( $famresult );
if( $numrows ) {
while( $row = tng_fetch_assoc($famresult))
$row['allow_living'] = $nonames == 2 && $row['living'] ? 0 : 1;
$row['allow_private'] = $tngconfig['nnpriv'] == 2 && $row['private'] ? 0 : 1;
$query = "SELECT gedcom, treename FROM $trees_table WHERE gedcom = \"{$row['gedcom']}\"";
$treeresult = tng_query($query);
$treerow = tng_fetch_assoc( $treeresult );
$item = "\n- \n";
$item .= "" . xmlcharacters($text['family'] . ": " . getFamilyName( $row )) . "\n";
$item .= "" . "$tngdomain/$familygroup_url" . "familyID={$row['familyID']}&tree={$row['gedcom']}$langstr" . "\n";
$item .= "";
$item .= displayDate( $row['marrdate'] );
if($row['marrdate'] && $row['marrplace']) $item .= ", ";
$item .= xmlcharacters($row['marrplace']);
$item .= "\n";
$item .= "{$text['tree']}: " . xmlcharacters($treerow['treename']) . "\n";
$item .= "" . displayDate( $row['changedatef'] ) . " $timezone \n";
//$item .= "$tngdomain/$row[familyID]-".date_format(date_create($row[changedatef]), DATE_ATOM)."\n";
$item .= "
echo $item;
echo "\n";
echo "\n";