Print Page Pickens County, South Carolina Deeds  
Book B-2 p. 630-631

Subject: Pickens County Deed Bk B-2 p. 630-631

I. H. Philpot, Judge of Probate to V. S. Jones Et al

Release for Acres of Land

The State of South Carolina

To all to whom these presents shall come or be made known or whom the same may in anywise concern I I. H. Philpot Judge of Probate Court of the County of Pickens in the said State send Greeting. Whereas John A. Chastain on or about the 18th day of April in the year one thousand eight hundred and seventy one did exhibit his petition in the court of Probate in the County of Pickens and State aforesaid praying that the real Estate of Temperance Chastain deceased may be sold for Partition amongst the Heirs of said deceased according to Law and the cause being at issue before the Honorable Court aforesaid came on to be heard on the 22nd day of July one thousand and eight hundred and seventy one where the said court after a full hearing thereof and mature deliberation in the premises Did order ajudge and decree that the Lands hereafter mentioned and described should be sold at Public Auction by Joab Mauldin Sheriff of Pickens County on the terms and for the purposes mentioned in said Decretal Order as by reference thereto on file in the said Court will appear. And the said Joab mauldin Sheriff so aforesaid after having duly advertised the said Lands for sale by Public outcry on the 3rd day of October in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventy one Did there openly and publicly and according to the custom of Auction sell and dispose of the said Lands below described unto V. S. Jones & John A. Chastain for the sum of Four Hundred Dollars they being at that price the highest bidders for the same. Now know all men that I the said I. H. Philpot Judge of Probate Court for Pickens County in consideration of the premises and also in consideration of the sum of Four Hundred Dollars paid me by the said V. S. Jones and his Heirs and assigns. All that Portion of the Real Estate of Temperance Chastain To Wit: Beginning at a small B. gum? on Pink Road running thence with said road 26.08 chains to a small P.O. 3x thence S 2 3/4 E 12.00 to rock 3x Thence S 57 1/2 W 13.66 to Pine 3x thence S 18 1/2 E 40.08 to W 3x Thence S 61 1/2 W 28.00 to rock 3x thence S 53 E 44.50 to Ro 3x thence N 16 E 26.50 to rock 3x thence S 85 E 6.00 to rock 3x thence N 24 E 37.50 to rock 3x N 83 W 16.00 to rock 3x N 63 E 24.50 to rock 3x thence N 73 1/2 E 27.00 to rick N 90 W 31.50 to rock 3x thence S 56 1/2 W 42.00 to rock 3x thence West 12.00 to rock 3x thence N 24 W 20.00 to beginning B. Gum. corner on Pink Road. Together with all and singular the Rights Members Hereditaments and appurtenances whatsoever to the said premises belonging or in anywise incident or appertaining and the reversions and remainders rest issues and profits thereof And also the estate right Title interest Dower possession property benefit claim and demand whatsoever both at law and in Equity of the said Temperance Chastain and of all the parties to the said suit and of all other persons rightfully claiming or to claim the same or any part thereof by from or under them or either of them. To have and to hold the said part of Tract of Land with its hereditaments privileges and appurtenances unto the said Van S. Jones his Heirs and assigns forever. In Witness whereof I the said I. H. Philpot Judge of Probate Court under and by virtue of the said Decree Have hereunto set my hand and Seal at Pickens C.H. this the 15th day of December in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventy four. and in the 99th year of the Sovereignty and independence of the United States of America Sealed and delivered in presence of

S. D. Keith I. H. Philpot [seal]

G. R. Burgess Judge of Probate

The State of South Carolina

Pickens County

Personally before me came S. D. Keith and made oath that he saw the written named I. H. Philpot Judge of Probate sign seal and as his act and deed deliver the written deed and that he with G. R. Burgess witnessed the execution thereof. Sworn to before me this 15th day of December A.D. 1875 S. D. Keith

Alonzo M. Folger Not Pub P.C.

Recorded the 15th day of December 1874 and examined by S. D. Keith C.C.P.

& R.M.C.

(Note the date above is 1875 but date below is 1874 -- must have made a mistake when writing it)
