Pickens Co Deed Bk D-1 p 592
Maxwell & Edward Chastain to William & Alexander Edens
State of South Carolina
Pickens District
Know all men by these presents that we Maxwell and Edward Chastain of the State and District aforesaid the one part and William Edens, Alexander Edens and the heirs of Abner Chastain dec. of the same place of the other part witness that for and in consideration of the sum of fifteen hundred dollars to us in hand paid by the said Wm. Edens, Alexander Edens and the heirs of Abner Chastain dec. the receipt is hereby acknowledged have granted, bargained, and sold and released and by these presents do grant, bargain, sell and release unto Wm. Edens, Alexander Edens and the heirs of Abner Chastain dec. a tract of land lying and being in the district aforesaid on both sides of the Oolenoy Creek waters of Saluda River containing three hundred and twelve acres be the same more or less (excepting a small tract of James Sutherlands land that he now lives on) beginning on a rock corner north fortythree and a half, east eight chains and seventy links to stake corner thence south fiftyfive east 4 chains to a chesnut corner N. Sixteen and a half east three chains and sixteen links to a hickory corner thence north eighty eight east two chains and fifty links to spanish oak corner thence north twenty west four chains and forty links to a black gum corner north sixteen west twenty three chains and ninety links to fig? corner thence north fourteen west four chains and twenty links to post oak corner north nineteen west six chains and seventyfive links to post oak corner thence north twenty five chains and fifty links to a rock corner thence north fifteen east thirtytwo chains to a rock corner thence north eightyfive west fifteen chains and ninety links to a rock corner thence due south twentyeight chains and fifty links to a red oak corner thence south thirtyone east ten chains and seventyfive links to a post oak corner thence south thirty west ____ chains and twentyfive links to a poplar corner thence north eightyfive west thirteen chains and eighty six link to a post oak corner thence south fiftyfive west nince chains and eighteen links to a red oak corner thence north sixty west sixteen chains and eightyseven links to a rock corner thence south eleven east thirtfour chains and eightyone links to rock corner on old line south sixty east thirtysix chains and fifty lnks to a stake corner ___ west nine chains to creek on James Sutherlands line thence S. sixtythree E. seventytwo chains and seventytwo links to the beginning rock corner. Together with all and singular the rights members hereditaments and appurtenances to the said _____ belonging or in anywise appertaining to have and to hold all and singular the premises before mentioned unto the said Wm. Edens, Alexander Edens and the heirs of Abner Chastain dec. their heirs and assigns forever. And we do bind ourselves our heirs executors administrators and assigns to warrant and forever defend all and singular the premises before mentioned from all person or persons lawfully claiming the same or any part thereof or their right ___ ___ demand ____ hereunto we have set our hands and affixed our seals this ninth day of January one thousand eight hundred and forty three and in the Sixtyseventh year of the Independence of the United States of America. Signed sealed and delivered in the presence of us
Test. Jesse Adams, John _.C. Edens Maxwell Chastain [seal]
Edward x Chastain [seal]
South Carolina
Pickens District
Personally comes before me Wm. Sutherlandand one of the Justices of the Peace for said district . John M. C. Edens and being dewly sworn sayeth on oath that he was Edward Chastain and Maxwell Chastain sign seal and akcnowledge the within deed of conveyance for the use within mentioned and that Jesse Adams was a subscribing witness with himself. So unto and subscribed before me this 1st day of April 1843 Wm. Sutherland M.P.D. John M.C. Edens
Recorded 3rd day of April 1843 and examined by W. L. Keith C.C. & R.M.C. |