Print Page Pickens County, South Carolina Deeds  
Book F-2 p. 425-426

Subject: Pickens County Deed BK F-2 p. 425-426

Maxwell Chastain to Abner B. Chastain

Release for 325 Acres

The State of South Carolina

Pickens County

Know all men by these presents that I Maxwell Chastain of Pickens County in the state aforesaid for and in consideration of Seven hundred dollars in hand paid by Abner B. Chastain of Pickens County in the State aforesaid I have granted bargained sold and released by these presents do grant bargin sell and release unto the said Abner B. Chastain all that piece parcel plantation or tract of land lying and being situated in said State and County on Oolenoy Creek waters of Saluda River adjoining lands of J. W. Sutherland on the East Hayood? on the South Jas. F. Burtin? on the West containing Three hundred & twenty five acres more or less beginning in the Pink road at the North end of the bridge on Oolenoy Creek thence across said Oolenoy to the mouth of a branch the aforesaid branch West to the mouth of a ditch coming into said branch from the north side thence up said ditch to the foot of the hill thence South a few yards to a wild? fence row thence West along said fence row to a fence running due South thence to the middle of road thence North up said road to Oolenoy road near the ford of the branch thence West along the Oolenoy road to the old boundry line thence Southwest across the ___ mountain to a Rock corner thence East along the old boundary line back to the Pink road thence North to the beginning corner at the North side of Oolenoy Creek at the bridge, Together with all and singular the rights members hereditaments and appurtenances to the said premises belonging or in anywise incident or appertaining to have and to hold all and singular the premises before mentioned unto the said Abner B. Chastain his heirs and assigns forever and I do hereby bind myself my heirs executors and administrators to warrant and forever defend all and singular the said premises unto the said Abner B. Chastain his heirs and assigns against myself and my heirs and all other persons lawfully claiming or to claim the same or any part thereof Witness my hand and seal this the Ninth day of August A.D. 1883 and in the one hundredth and eighth year of the Independence of the United States of America Signed Sealed and delivered in the presents of

G. M. Lynch M. Chastain (seal)

John L. Graveley

State of South Carolina

County of Pickens

Personally appeared before me G. M. Lynch and made oath that he saw M. Chastain sign seal and deliver the within conveyance for the use and purposes therein mentioned and that he with John L. Graveley in the presence of each other witnessed the due execution thereof Sworn to before me this 9th day of August 1883

John W. Gravely G. W. Lynch

Trial Justice P.C.

The State of South Carolina

Pickens County

I John L. Graveley a Trial Justice do hereby certify unto all whom it may concern that Malinda Chastain the wife of the within named Maxwell Chastain did this day appear before me and upon being privately and seperately examined by me did declare that she does freely voluntarily and without any compulsion dread or fear of any person or persons whomsoever renounce release and forever relinquish unto all the within named Abner B. Chastain his heirs and assigns all her interest and estate and also all her right and claim of dower of in or to all and singular the premises within mentioned and released Given under my hand and seal this 15th day of August 1883


Malinda x Chastain


John L. Graveley L.S.

Trial Justice P.C.

Recorded the 22nd day of August 1883 and examined by J. J. Lewis C.C.P.
