Print Page Pickens County, South Carolina Deeds  
Book B-2 p. 99-101

Subject: Pickens Co. Deeds Book B-2 p. 99-101

Miles M. Norton, C.E.P.D. to Temp. Chastain.

The State of South Carolina

This indenture made this ninth day of Oct in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty four between Miles M. Norton Commishioner of the Honorable Court of Equity for the District of Pickens at Pickens Co. ___ in the said State afrd (aforesaid?) the one part and Temperance Chastine of the same State and District of the other part. Witnesseth that whereas John A. Chastine did on or about the 24th day of April 1857 exhibit their bill of complaint in the in the court of equity at Pickens court house in the said state against Temperance Chastine and other heirs of Abner Chastain decsd. and Alexand Edens and William Edens for the distribution of the real estate of the said Abner Chastain decsd.and the cause being at present before the honorable court comes on to be heard before his honor Chancellor Joh (Job?) Johnston on the 19th day of June 1851 in the open at Pickens Court House where the said court is in full hearing thereof and material deliberation in the premises did order adjudge and decide that the said real estate should be partitioned partly by appraysment and partly by sale as recommended by the court on the terms and for the purposes as mentioned in the said directed order as by reference there unto in the equity of the court will appear. And the said court having by the said decree ordered that tract No. 7 should be assigned to Ms. Temperance Chastain at the price of four hundred and twenty dollars being the amount to which it was valued by the commissioner in partition and the said court did in the order for distribution direct the commissioners of the court to execute a title there unto for the same. Now therefore this indenture witnesseth that the said Miles M. Norton as Commissioner of this court under and by virtue of said decree and in consideration of the sum of four hundred and twenty dollars paid him by the said Temperance Chastain the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged hath granted, bargained sold and released and by these presents do grant bargain sell and release unto the said Temperance Chastain his heirs and assigns, all that plantation parcel or tract of land known and described as tract No. 1 in the said bill of complaint containing four hundred acres more or less situated in Pickens District on the waters Oolenoy adjoining lands of A & W Edens and others = Together with all and singular the hereditaments numbers rights and appurtenances whatsoever to the said premises belonging or in anywise incident or appertaining and the reserves and remainder rents ____ and profits ____ of and also all the estate rights title interest dower possession property benefit claim and demand what soever hat at law and equity of the hiers and representatives of the said Abner Chastain decsd and of all other persons respectfully claiming or to claim the same on any part of the same by from or under stress or ___ of them. To have and to hold all and said premises above described within _____ _____ and appertunances unto the said Temperance Chastain his heirs and assigns to his heirs only proper use benefit and ___ forever. In witness whereof the said Miles M. Norton as Commissioner of the said court under and by virtue of said decsd hath hereunto set his hand and the side of the court on the day and year aforesaid. signed sealed and delivered in presents of

W. D. Still Miles M. Norton

Samuel Reid C.E.P.D.

South Carolina

Pickens County

Personally appeared Samuel Reid before me and made oath that he was present and did see Miles M. Norton sign seal and deliver the above deed for the uses and purposes therein mentioned and that W.D. Still was with himself a subscribing witness to the same

Sworn to and subscribed

Saml Reid

before me this 28th Nov 1872

R. A. Bower C.C.P.
